aviation: Dortmund has taken delivery of a new Rosenbauer fire engine

, aviation: Dortmund has taken delivery of a new Rosenbauer fire engine


Dortmund Airport has received another fire engine from Rosenbauer. The HLF20 ​​​​was taken over on Sunday.

« We are delighted with the new fire service vehicle, which ensures even more safety at our airport, » says Dietmar Krohne. The vehicle is primarily intended to support building fire protection and technical assistance. « It impresses in particular with its compact design and modern equipment and technology, » explains Dietmar Stange, head of the airport fire brigade.

The 420 hp HLF20 ​​carries 2000 liters of extinguishing water with a permissible total weight of 18 tons. Among other things, the fire engine has all-wheel drive and a cable winch with a pulling force of five tons – so it is adapted to use at an airport.

The article Dortmund has taken over new Rosenbauer fire engine appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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