aviation: Germany’s first electric de-icer in use at Stuttgart Airport

, aviation: Germany’s first electric de-icer in use at Stuttgart Airport


Season start for polar bears at the STR: At low temperatures, aircraft often need to be de-iced before take-off – the latest additions to the electric fleet at the airport will be used this winter.

The two special vehicles for aircraft de-icing, known as “polar bears” in airport jargon, are the first electrically powered vehicles of their kind in Germany, according to the airport in a press release. During so-called deicing, certain parts of the aircraft are sprayed with a biodegradable mixture of hot water and glycol. Anything that drips off the fuselage or wings after the hot shower is pre-treated in the airport’s retention basins before it goes to the nearby sewage treatment plants. The residues of the de-icing agents are used there as an external carbon source in order to optimize biological processes.

The article Germany’s first electric de-icer in use at Stuttgart Airport first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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