The railway, rail logistics and transport entrepreneur Gunther Pitterka will soon be the new world champion in the worldwide « collecting » of airports.
The 54-year-old is currently number two at Globalcken Airport. But that will change very soon. Because next Saturday he will fly as a passenger in a LET 410, a Czech-made turboprop machine with two engines, from Portoroz to Venice – and has used 1,582 international airports in 27 years. After this flight he will also be at the top of the podium, displacing the current number 1 from the top position. At first he even suffered from an extreme fear of flying, as reported by the ORF. The man from Salzburg is part of an international community of aviation enthusiasts whose goal is to fly to as many different airports around the world as possible. The website is the verification platform.
With a total of 1,063, most of Gunther Pitterka’s tours started at Salzburg Airport – his home airport. For the current ranking, he was on the move with 566 different types of aircraft and flew with 743 different airlines. On these trips, the Salzburger landed or took off in 189 countries.
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