aviation: Greens want to take Bremen Airport off the grid

, aviation: Greens want to take Bremen Airport off the grid


The Greens involved in the state government in Bremen put the de facto closure of the well-known airport in the area. If things go according to the plans of this party, the commercial airport could soon be downgraded to a kind of Airbus factory airport with general aviation.

It is an open secret that Bremen Airport has been in deficit for many years and is in stronger competition with larger Hamburg. The fact that there are almost exclusively flights within Germany and on short-haul routes from Bremen is a thorn in the side of the Greens. According to the party, these can also be shifted to rail or served from other airports. In Bremen too much tax money is « wasted ».

The draft of the election program for the state elections, which will take place in May 2023, boils down to the fact that the airport is to be converted into a works airport for Airbus and other companies operating locally. General aviation is to be retained, but in the future there will be no more scheduled or charter flights. This should significantly reduce the costs for the taxpayer and at the same time argue with the topic of climate protection.

It is said that most flight connections would lead to Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich and Amsterdam. This can be transferred to rail or start from Hamburg. The local leader of the Green Party, Florian Pfeffer, spells out the question of whether the taxpayers in Bremen and Bremerhaven want to carry the airport’s alleged deficit even further.

However, the issue did not find a majority at the party congress, which was held over the weekend. The corresponding passage WILL therefore not be included in the party program, so that the planned downgrading of Bremen Airport will not go into the election campaign.

The article Greens want to take Bremen Airport off the grid first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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