aviation: USA: Flight attendant is said to have asked pregnant women to pick up popcorn

, aviation: USA: Flight attendant is said to have asked pregnant women to pick up popcorn


In the United States, an incident that the pregnant wife of baseball pro Anthony Bass claims to have experienced on board a United Express flight is causing a stir. A flight attendant asked the lady to pick up popcorn that her children had dropped on the floor.

While the situation described in the tweet may be upsetting and frustrating for Bass and his family, the flight attendant’s reaction could be understandable. Maybe the flight attendant had to pick up the trash at the destination. Maybe she was just having a bad day and wasn’t in a patient or compassionate mood.

It’s also possible that the flight attendant was unaware of the challenges faced by the pregnant passenger, who was holding a fussy toddler. Whatever the reason, history makes it clear that the request didn’t go down well with either her or the baseball player.

However, it is important for airline employees and associates to provide good customer service, especially for families with young children and pregnant women who may need extra help during their sometimes stressful journey. Requiring a pregnant woman to get on her hands and knees to clean up a mess may not be fair or considerate, and it’s understandable that Bass took to social media to express his frustration.

The post USA: Flight attendant is said to have asked pregnant women to pick up popcorn first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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