Austria’s Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) has published an amendment to the Corona entry regulation. This comes into force on Saturday, January 7, 2023 and includes, among other things, that people who have previously been in China must present a negative PCR test.
What is completely new is that Austria is asking airlines to check the PCR results. In the past there was no explicit instruction that the airlines have to control die. This is different now, because the amendment to the entry regulations expressly stipulates that the airlines have to check whether there is a negative PCR result that is not older than 48 hours. Otherwise carriage may be refused. Furthermore, information sheets about current hygiene measures will be distributed to people entering the airport at Vienna-Schwechat Airport.
According to a press release from the Ministry of Health, the airlines concerned were informed in advance of the new procedure. However, just a few days ago, the Austrian authorities did not consider the obligation to submit negative PCR results from people who had previously been in China to be sensible. It is all the more astonishing that Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) is “satisfied” with the “rapid implementation”: “The recommendations that the EU states have as part of the European framework of the European IPCR outbreak indicate that there is a risk of a save spread ». The government member is « currently » not worried that the corona situation in Austria could worsen due to the latest developments in China.
The ministry also announced that a first sample had already been taken from the waste water tank of an aircraft that had taken off from Beijing. These were not analyzed. Wastewater monitoring will also be offered in Vienna, Hallstatt and Salzburg, since Chinese tourists often stay in these places. « The national wastewater monitoring provides us with information on the development of the virus load over time and the relative proportion of virus variants in Austria. This information is an important pillar for assessing the overall epidemiological situation in Austria, » said Rauch.
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