aviation: Collision avoidance and traffic warning – fliegermagazin

, aviation: Collision avoidance and traffic warning – fliegermagazin

The fliegermagazin Podcast #38 is a recording of an expert discussion at AERO 2023 about collision warning systems. Do we need compulsory traffic warnings? ADS-B, FLARM, transponder – is the technology right? And what role does traffic observation play in preventing mid-air collisions? – About this discussion at AERO 2023 led by Herwart Goldbach (Eisenschmidt) the experts Fabian Kienzle from Garmin, Wolfgang Oestreich from ForeFlight, Marc Förderer from Air Avionics, Habbo Brune from DAeC, Dr. Marcus Bauer from iwiation and fliegermagazin editor-in-chief Thomas Borchert.

The discussion participants represented these companies:

About the author


Thomas Borchert

Thomas Borchert started gliding in Uetersen in 1983. This was followed by a motor glider license and finally the PPL in the USA, which was then rewritten in Germany. In 2006 the instrument rating was added. The qualified physicist, born in 1962, came to Fliegermagazin from Stern at the beginning of 2009. He currently mainly flies charter aircraft of the Cirrus SR22T type. I prefer to go on longer trips and also like to travel to the USA.


  • Podcast
  • Collision warning
  • Traffic detector
  • In the air
  • ADS-B

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