The Cockpit Association reacted with outrage to the demands of the industry association BDL, which go in the direction of restricting the right to strike in aviation. The employers would specifically distract from the actual problems, so the pilots’ union.
“The current dispute and the warning strikes are the result of exaggerated finance ministers and austerity policies in the aviation sector. Due to the mismanagement of the past few months, companies can no longer react adequately to the returned demand. This is clearly not the responsibility of those committed or the trade unions, but the result of many years of personal action in the course of entrepreneurial freedom. Given the current massive losses in real wages and the simultaneously sharply increasing workload due to staff shortages, the logical consequence is that they could defend themselves. The demands for restrictions on employers’ right to strike are a cheap diversion from their own failures. Instead of attacking fundamental rights, they should rather address the real problems of their own workforce, » says VC President Stefan Herth. “It also shows that the partnership elements of the social market economy have been neglected in recent centuries due to the belief in cheap labor that is available at all times, if necessary also from abroad. These have always had a dampening effect and their absence now allows the forces of the simple market economy to run free.”
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